Where Can We Help You
Statutory Services
Labour laws is an ever changing landscapes that requires professional support, Either small, mid-sized, MSME or Corporate may face financial implications or risk of prosecution or attachments triggered and it would hammer the reputation of the company. Bayballs HR with its legal expertise, experiences could facilitate labour law services, we provide a legal advice and labour law services under the following applicable laws.

Shops & Establishment Act

Factories Act, 1948

Minimum Wages Act 1948 and Payment of Wages Act 1936

CLRA ( Contract Labour Regulation & Abolition) - 1970

EPF ( Employees Provident Fund) - 1952

Labour Welfare Fund Act - 1965

ESI ( Employee State Insurance) - 1948

Professional Tax & Company Tax – 1975

Employee Compensation Act – 1923

Apprentice Act 1961

POSH ( Prevention of Sexual Harassment) Act – 2013

Industrial Disputes Act 1947

Trade Unions Act 1926

Interstate Migrant Workers Act

Statutory Training PAN India

Policy Formulation & Review

HR Compliance Auditing

Domestic Enquiry

Representing 7A & 14B enquiry ( Asst Commissioner & above), Representing in Labour Courts and Tribunals

Submitting Returns, Remittance on various acts ( Bonus, employment exchange, gratuity, holidays notification, POSH & capacity of organization)

Act as Nodal Officer to monitor contractor’s remittances on behalf of principal employers

Act as Nodal Officer to monitor contractor’s remittances on behalf of principal employers

Guiding employers during suspension and payout of subsistence allowance, termination, layoff, lockout and strike

Circulate the concerned state gazette and notifications by e-mail & assist to interpret the legal jargons

Cost Saving Measures to avail the benefits under various schemes in law perspective announced by central & state governments